Treadsafe Diamondtred Nosing's
Diamondtred- 17 bright or pastel colours (self-adhesive). One special colour, Night Glow. lights up for several minutes after the light has darkened and thus provides extra saftey. Night Glow is suitable for any indoor location while Super Night Glow has special synthetic pigments that allow it to fluoresce for upto one hour and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use
Material: Mixture of PVC, silica quartz and polymeric plastic
Dimensional Stability: 80º C for 6 hours/ 0.12%
Moisture Movement: 23º C for 24 hours / 0.02%
Heat Ageing: 70º C for 15 days
Slip Resistance: Class F when dry - Class B when wet - wet/barefootramp of upto 19º, class B - Oil wet ramp of upto 13.7º, Class R10
Flammabilty: Class B1
Resistance Properties: Resistant to sunlight, oil, grease, petrol, salts, acid and alkaline thinners, common houshold chemicals and cleaning agents. Organic solvents will soften Diamondtread